Tuesday, December 14, 2010


A manifesto sacred to me:
everything's better if it's free.

Holding hands, watching a cheesy 3D flick
These visuals are mind-blowing if it's free.

A verse-worthy burger with guacamole and bacon
Is mouthwateringly decadent if it's free.

Advice from a mentor over a pint
I learn more and get drunk faster if it's free.

"Come on, dude, it's road trip time!"
Three hours in a car is paradise if it's free.

Four years studying journalism
Sure, the work was worth it...if it's free.

A man asks me to check my thetan count
A chance for enlightenment if it's free.

"You coming to the party? There's gonna be chicks there!"
I'm waiting for you to tell me if it's free.

I don't mind putting in the effort for her
But a kiss is so much sweeter if it's free.

No doubt, when a book has "Max Webber" on the cover
I'll hear, "Sure, I'll read it...if it's free."

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